Saturday, July 02, 2005

Be like Cow Dung?!

"Christians are like cow dung, when they clump together they stink, but when spread out they fertilize the ground to produce good harvest"

-quote unquote Elaine, Unit leader Hope Singapore

Last night I had the privilege of attending Island Hope's caregroup from Hope Singapore invited by Mr Tiger.
Topic of the night the "E" word that still causes a tinge of "ouchy" in the heart of many a christian today.

We were taught using the 3 parables from Luke15, the lost sheep, lost coin and the infamous prodigal son.

Why tinge of 'ouchy'?? (well at least for me)
Sharing the gospel is what we are ALL called to do. Though we're not ALL called to be Billy Grahams but the great commission by Christ is for all who believe:

" Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. - Matthew 28:19-20

How funny the quote about cow dung? How true sometimes that we have a tendency to just "clique" together and enjoy each other's company and "build" each other up that we forget the rest of the world who need Jesus? WE need to "GO!"

Fear and complacency? Indifference and prejudice? or is it plain laziness?
What is it that stops me??
I've always thought of myself as a Barnabas, people builder, discipler of "paul" potentials, been doing that for quite some time now.

Then why the nudging?

" When He brings out His own sheep, He goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know His voice." - John10:4

Looks like I need to join Willliiiiaaam and Sai more for street Evax, to fast and pray for harvest, to develop the heart of compassion for the lost.

3 major points that were discussed last night that are required for effective Evax
1)Compassion; 2)Effort 3) Persistance.
(The last point persistance, oh how good we are at starting a project but how many do we actually see to fruition? too seek til what was lost is found?)

Elaine brought up another excellent point last night.
What is the point of busy-ness, of running activities when in the end the achieves no goal? Makes me think now when we run a CG activity, what purpose does it achieve? C'mon Vineyard! Let's get creative for Jesus. Perhaps its time that we're Lighthouse?

I learnt heaps last night.. Thanks for having me Island Hope!

Lord give me eyes that I may see the value You see in each person
Lord give me compassion that I may be fueled to share Your truth

Lord grant me wisdom that I may do what is truly important.


INK said...

Wow cool! All of last nights notes are on your blog! :D

Kaidy said...

Keke.. no lah just some points.. all the notes are in my notebook

Tiger said...

Good. So I no need to write, just link to this post haha...

Kaidy said...

Praise God that it could help save the busy tiger sometime to rest if not grumpy tiger will growl...

About Me

" One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple - Psalm 27:4