Tuesday, September 27, 2005


This is way cool... Thanks to Mr Tiger Ming, we've compiled a photo of the CGLs and the 2 ACGLS of Vineyard student caregroup, Fiona, ME, Marcus and David. So fun...

I'm soooo excited... counting down the days to camp in... 3more days?!
I'm having high expectations of what God is going to do this camp, fasting and praying for this weekend.

Fasting from? 1 day food fast, coffee fast, TV fast, distraction fast. To have an undivided heart, focus and hearing His voice, preparing my heart to be fertile soil for God to sow new seeds..
The most important one for me now that I struggle with..

"Where now from Here?"

Today's word I read again Psalm 131 that has oftened served as a reminder to keep my eyes on God not on what's going to happen..

" My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul;" v1-2a

My heart is steadfast....

Doing the opening night P&W for camp... Man I'm so nervous, I've never been so stressed about leading before, I've started preparing like 2 weeks before and its culminated to tonight where I stare at the screen my heart pleading with God .. HELP?!?! I need to send the song sheets to Rindy by tomorrow for printing!!..

Help came in a form of someone very very precious to me..my PET! Standing at a mighty 10cm smaller than me, nice to squeeze, the cutest person God could created! (ok in my opinion) hehe.. She talked me through the song list, as I shared what the Lord has placed in my heart for the theme of the opening night. We sorted it out, to finish writing the chords by tomorrow.

God placed on my heart this week as I was doing my quiet time.
I was reading from 1Kings 3-11.

It depicted King Solomon's life after he ascended the throne after King David. God had promised David, his descendants prosperity and the throne as long as they walked in His ways and obey God's statues and commandments. In addition God was pleased with Solomon for his request from God to have wisdom to govern God's people that God said

" I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you , not will there every be. Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for - both riches and honor- so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. "

Just imagine that, God telling u that you will be the wisest & richest person ever to live!
Solomon then went on build a magnificent temple for God and his wisdom spread far and wide where men of all nations sent by their kings came to listen to him and became richer than all the other kings of the earth.

However in the midst of all his achievements, Chapter 11 speaks of his downfall, he had taken many wives and concubines of foreign origin from which the Lord had told the Israelites

" You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods."

BUT Solomon held fast to them in love and they lead his heart astray to other gods.
At the end of the day even after the Lord himself had appeared to him in a dream on 2 occasions, granted him immeasurably wealth and wisdom; because of his weakness and "allowing" sin to remain, corrupted his heart for the Lord.

The Lord then tore the kingdom out of the hand of his son and many adversaries arose against him.
For me, it reminded me, it brought me to my knees to come before God and confess of things that have interfered with my heart that desires to be wholly for Him, distractions that I have originally resisted, then tolerated and perhaps when caught up in it rationalized it away. I was reminded that God wants our faithfulness to Him from start to finish.

Even the wisest man that ever lived could fall, how much more us.

" Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God- through Jesus Christ our Lord!" Romans 7: 24b-25

Listening to Ginny Owens now... the album from RocketTown, about walking through the valley about perservering in trial, that we may be complete and mature, lacking nothing.. James1:2

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Dodgy Laptop


It feels as if my laptop has a life of its own, spontaneously turning off on its own!
What does one do in such a situation, I consulted Dad in regards to it, he told me the lappie's battery was busted and the connection with the port that its on was bad so if I just shift a bit it'll shut off...

Well I've also sought computer whiz Mr Munkey Tan in regards to getting a new lappie. Praise God that since I've only just started working this year I'd be able to get a considerable amount of tax refund back.. 'nuff to get a new lappie! Yeah!!. I'm eyeing the ibookG4 and according to my dearest most brilliant cousin with a coupla' upgrades I can get a lean' mean machine.. oh well munkey suggested a nice pioneer dream/slim book .. hehe..

Last night went to watch Charlie and the chocolate factory... Johnny Depp is brillliant as usual, very versatile.. me cracked up everytime the Oompa loompas appear with a new song.. Yesterday CS told me that he wasn't going to stay in Sydney for the next 6 weeks after all, may head back this week to Singapore in fact... awwww was really enjoying having him around.. and hoping that he could join us for the ACT camp when prophet John Jacks will be coming down from Canada to speak to us about spiritual giftings..


About Me

" One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple - Psalm 27:4