Friday, December 23, 2005

Vote the best dancer

A long-procrastinated POLL to vote the best dancer.
How the story goes: Two Sundays ago we had a farewell dinner for one of the core leaders in church, one of his loves was to go ballroom dancing so he decided that he should commemorate his farewell by getting everyone in church into the action !
After much hilarity and action, 3 boys I mean MEN stood confident in their dancing poweress and went around asking the maidens to pick the best partner out of the three:

Introducing the judges for the night: The Maidens
Back row: Stacey, Fiona, Pet & ME
Front row: Julie, Jane & Sindy
Head Judge: Mrs Lisa Rhodes!

The Three Finalists

1) Groovin' Rockstar Paul Rhodes

2) The Cuteyest Wabbit Petar Rhodes

3) Mafia Boss David Rhodes

The results as of that night now-withstanding:

Paul: 4 votes

Peter: 2 votes

David: 1 vote (from the head judge nonetheless!)


OK even if u can't see them in action, we can go based on their dance pose with me the reporter keke..

Monday, December 05, 2005

Not there Yet

Is it fair to say I was lured away?
By endless distractions and lovelier attractions then
Or fairer still, my own free will
Is the better one to blame for this familiar mess I made again

So I would understand, if you were out of patience
And I would understand, if I was out of chances

Your mercies are new every morning
So let me wake with the dawn
When the music is through or so it seems to be
Let me sing a new song, old things gone
Every day it's true, You make all Your mercies new

The distance left between East & West
Is how far You would go to forget the debt I'd owe
And thrown into the sea, the wicked way in me
Will never have a chance to wash back on the sand

So I would understand if you would make me pay
I would understand lying in the bed I made again

Up comes the son on every one of us
Gone, gone, gone the guilt and shame that knew your name.

- Nichole Nordeman-

"Its me again.. "

Time of reckoning this weekend, to be told in the midst of a trying period that u're still failing in certain aspects in an area that u thgt u're doing a pretty good job of handling. Sometimes it makes u wish that u could just ex-communicate urself from community or human contact so that u don't have to be afraid to stumble, offend or distract someone. Perhaps its easier just being a hermit cos what's the point of doing all this the people u're trying to lead see what u SHOULD NOT do a lot more than what u are doing what u should be doing. What's with all the nit-picking ?! Leaders are HUMAN! really... pinch them to try, they'll say ouch!

That was crazy me last night when I contemplated a correction given to me. It made me feel like throwing in the white towel, like " AIYAH! this is too much for me, i think its easier to just go back to the way I used to live, think and act, I feel so SIAN!"

But as I showered (funny how u get revelations in the bathroom) I heard God nudge me in the midst of heated scrubbing, "You're not there yet but you're not what you used to be either.. " At that moment all the feelings of what's the point and condemnation started to evaporate.
Those priceless God moments, its funny how u can think and think for hours but when a fresh revelation or a simple word from God can just stop u at ur tracks and change ur mind completely.

And this morning's dawn at 5am was nontheless awesome as I conversed with God to ask Him to teach me the full lesson and also a chance for me to repent. Forgive me for my stubborness and rebellious attitude.
Truly though this weakness is still there, I would say I've already grown a lot stronger in the area. I'm not there yet but I'm getting there, repentance happens in a moment BUT life transformation and change takes time.

God has blessed me with a leader who is willing to go through the tough love with me watch over me and to correct me when I stray. . I really admire that. Its not easy to be the one to have to be the bearer of correction.
Perhaps that's why though I'm scared of him at times, I have the utmost respect for him.
NOT a HINT. That's the standard, step by step I'm getting there God.

Thank you for being patient with me =)

Monday, November 21, 2005

What makes me happy?

Taking a breather

Write something more ditsy and chick-like instead of the melancholic prose that I tend toward, perhaps a tendency to look at blogging as an venting outlet.
Its been a time of contemplating and thinking but haven't really been voicing it out, just perhaps in my room, with only One who truly understands, furious scribbling in my journal and recently acquired scrapbook an attempt to be creative?


I'm a person that gets easily satisfied with the most simple things. Will start with things instead of people that make me happy or rather a certain small round and cute rodent furiously protested when I proposed writing such an entry.

FIRST UP.... Drum roll please...


This picture features one of the best coffee I've tried, thanks to a new-found music nut and slopping friend since a Brooke Fraser (up& coming christian singer) gig, Miss " I am the best" Belle. We went to this place called the book kitchen in surry hills, 5mins walk from her place that served the BEST Coffee in Sydney beating even CAMPOS coffee in Newtown.

This is my usual: skim flat white, hers? Soy Mocha.. atmosphere perfect, warehouse converted to hippy cafe, shelves stocked with what? COOK BOOKS!!! Food! I'm in heaven, PLUS Belle spotted a certain very attractive gentleman who took our orders.

Next! Presenting Roma Coffee from Queen Victoria Market, Melbourne

Queen Victoria Market boasts a variety of goodies to try, I get good loose leaf english breakfast tea from there, no tea bags stuff for me please! The deli an assortment of pesto olive, garlic dips perfect with crostinis and canapes; 100s of cheeses; cold cuts straussberg, salami, pastrami; smoked meats and fish.. and of course coffee stalls.. U have to go there to experience it

Affogato! Italian vanilla gelato topped with fresh-brewed espresso.. where else but Brunetti's in Melbourne, Lygon street, the Italian street of Melbourne

Had many a query in regards to this pict since I used it as an MSN picture as in where to get the affogato =)
Pop over there if, the trip is definitely worth the effort, its not too far =) Lucky Melbourne uni students, only a 10min walk from uni.

Coffee in the neighbourhood? Across the street on Glebe point road..

Skim flat white at Badde Manors (get the pun? unless u read it as Bad day Manos)

Score, not too bad, coffee's pretty strong tasting sometimes a bit bitter, lacks smoothness..

Head there if you're in for the atmosphere or vegetarian organic fare for the matter..

For express chain store coffee, there's none like hudson's coffee.. what's so good about it? Its smooth.. however its a rare sight in Sydney unfortunately, a corner shop near Martin's place and 110 George street parramatta.. Melbourne does a lot better having a scatter of them every where, first touch down to melb during my October trip? Hudson's regular skim flat white with hazelnut syrup.. Yum.. No one to scold me too.. hehe

Coffee makes me happy... but its dehydrating, not too good for the voice. Especially now that I'm supposed to be resting it.

What is my favourite coffee?

Hazelnut flat white with skim milk

Flat white? what's that,its 1/4 espresso topped with 3/4 milk, very little foam. Compared to a latte its 1/4 espresso, 1/2 milk, 1/foam, I don't like foam, Wils and Michael my 2 buddies usually eats it up for me if the barrista does not do it like its supposed to.

No hazelnut syrup? Well 1.5 teaspoon brown sugar will do. IF not I'll have it sugarless.

Man I should be a coffee-critic. Cafe shopping

Next on the list, given my profession as a paid foodie aka Dietitian.

Things that make me happy: FOOD!

I love FOOD, and what better excuse than to make it a life profession.

Hobby: to try out different cafes in Sydney, done plenty of that in Melbourne, recently tried a few great stuff at the book kitchen. Taste, work out the ingredients, condiments and of course TAKE A PICTURE, much to the chagrin of many a lunch companion and most recently I love this: embarass Belle who scolds me for acting like a typical asian tourist at the chic surry hills where the hip-boho people hang out.

Secret ambition: Food journalist (Jack our unit leader did say I left him drooling when I described to him the Book Kitchen)

My masterpieces: Firstly Brunettis: I believe this beauty was called the "Opera", last on the shelf that day when Audrey and I chose it to grace our arvo that day. Its a light flaky filo filled with hazelnut creme and I could taste a tad of grand marnier.. Behind it is a cannoli, cream cheese filled rolled italian pastry with almond flakes and chocolate tipped.

All time favourite: Eggs Benedict

This one is from the Foodstore on Rathdowne street, yes its from melbourne

I love Eggs Benedict, its really fatty from the butter and eggyolk that's used to make the yellow hollandaise sauce but I wouldn't order a normal fry-up just cos I can do it at home, but I go caffe-hopping to find the best eggs benedict and coffee.

This is at Leichardt, Italian suburb of Sydney, I took Munkey my best buddy there for his birthday brekky.

We decided to go for smoked salmon eggs benedict, came with a side of a great salad, simple balsamic vinegar dressing, light on the palate to balance the rich oils of salmon & hollandaise sauce.

The following images are from the Book Kitchen, don't drool. I shall now attempt to describe them with the justice due to them, but that's pretty hard cos u actually have to go and try it for urself!

The first trip with Belle, she had a lamb tenderloin on polenta pancakes. Lamb done medium rare, perfect texture, balanced with a honey mustard like sauce with grilled tomatoes and fennel flakes.

For me, I chose a duck sandwich. What? Peking duck? Nah its a moist roast duck sandwhich on hazelnut and raisin toast with a garlic and herb sauce topped with a mesclun salad.

2 weeks later, we were back !

Check out our fare!

I decided to try the famous wagyu beef, heard heaps about it but never did try it. Its featured here on an open sandwich, thickly sliced baguette with fresh tomatos on the top, lettuce with olive oil side and a dollop of grain mustard in red wine vinegar..

Verdict of wagyu beef: Perfect texture, melt in your mouth feeling without traces of visible fat

Belle went for the day's special: pan-fried Jewfish on top of white and green asparagus combi, mixed greens & celeriac with a mango chutney on the side.

Others: Sushiten's (melbourne flinders street), chirashi bowl, its a warm rice bowl topped with thick slices of tuna and salmon sashimi, sliced cucumber, a generous serve of roe and a side of sweet "ba Hu" tasting jap meat

Last but not least, Harry Cafe deWheel's pies, my favourite? seafood pie, here you can catch a glimpse of the salmon chunk peeking out... yumz..

Last feature of the day... flowers... I love fresh flowers, been too busy to get them these few weeks but they do change the whole feel of a room. Favourites? can pin-point any really. All of God's creation is beautiful.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

ACT/NSW camp !

Finally got down to it, posting some photos of us at Camp!

30th September to 2nd October at Southern Cross Bible College. ARISE a Growing Church

This is us: Vineyard Student Caregroup

First Night: Had the privilege of leading P&W for the opening Night.. it was heaps fun though I was crazily stressed prior trying to prepare my heart, thank God for Thessa who prayed for me, Michelle the crazy one who took me out for coffee at Badde Manors joined by a very stoned Ms Gril Tse and Ah Pet that Saturday and Dave who called me that night to try to teach me to destress!

Opening Night Praise and Worship
L to R: Rindy, Jane (Pet on Keyboard) & Me

Special Item by Hope Sydney! Lead by Fiona our dear ACGL ... so proud of her.. I'm quite sure she's learnt a lot through the experience ! =) Pastor John was so impressed that our students could come up with such an excellent item ..

1) Dance Item: Joyful Joyful

Alex as Aaron who stood in the gap between the living and the dead, Dina lead actress

Fueling up: Check out the great food we had at camp, so happy, so many different types of salads, soft bread and cold cuts, fresh greens are always good...

Some more pictures of us mucking around during recreation time on Saturday and Sunday arvo:

1) Squeeze!!

2) Jesus Angels? --->

Me, Jane and Suelynus e Skinniest... Jane looks pretty happy there.. We had to try many times for this.. Check out Pet in the bottom right (Born free...) hehe

Sunday Service's combined Praise and worship with Hope Newcastle ..
Our Musos: Pet (keyboard), Tato (guitar), Petey (bass) and David (drums)

Newcastle Team: Pastor Chris Skinner leading with his Team of singers

Awesome camp.. Can't believe it went so fast, Now I'm one month back in reality !

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

New Mercies

Have Your Way

Lead me each day Lord closer to You
I give all I am to You
Hold me each day Lord close to Your heart
I lay down my plans to follow You
I wanna take up my cross
I wanna lay down my dreams to follow after You

Have Your way in my life
Holy Spirit have Your way
Do what You need to
Day by day walk with You
Father let Your will be done, in my heart

You said my steps would be ordered if I walk in Your way
Lead me, Lead me
So lead me on the path to righteous
Come and have Your way in my life

- Phenomena, Youth Alive-

What is it You would have me to do ? Where is it You want me to go?

Camp: Presbytery's prophetic word reveals a separation from friends and family in order that I may inquire of the supernatural wisdom promised. In the last 3 months of my covenant with You Lord, there will be an intensifying of prayer and fasting. To use my mouth, equipped with Your words to rage warfare in the spiritual, a reminder to prophetic intercession again 3 years after a prophet had first released it to me.

And I am back to everyday life, Your finger is on something I need to overcome. You're calling me to trust you a step at a time in ALL matters. You want my undivided heart, I want to give it each day I purpose it 4 u, perhaps the song " have ur way" is in my heart this whole week..

" Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. ' The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, ' therefore I hope in Him!' The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the soul who seeks Him. "

I'm walking a day at a time... His mercies are new every morning.
I'm naturally boisterous, noisy, yakity yak, impetuous, wanting to be the pro-active one in everything, but God wants me to sit back and let Him work, let Him make things happen. Itchy.. fidgety.. straining to see..

SOUL please wait.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


This is way cool... Thanks to Mr Tiger Ming, we've compiled a photo of the CGLs and the 2 ACGLS of Vineyard student caregroup, Fiona, ME, Marcus and David. So fun...

I'm soooo excited... counting down the days to camp in... 3more days?!
I'm having high expectations of what God is going to do this camp, fasting and praying for this weekend.

Fasting from? 1 day food fast, coffee fast, TV fast, distraction fast. To have an undivided heart, focus and hearing His voice, preparing my heart to be fertile soil for God to sow new seeds..
The most important one for me now that I struggle with..

"Where now from Here?"

Today's word I read again Psalm 131 that has oftened served as a reminder to keep my eyes on God not on what's going to happen..

" My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul;" v1-2a

My heart is steadfast....

Doing the opening night P&W for camp... Man I'm so nervous, I've never been so stressed about leading before, I've started preparing like 2 weeks before and its culminated to tonight where I stare at the screen my heart pleading with God .. HELP?!?! I need to send the song sheets to Rindy by tomorrow for printing!!..

Help came in a form of someone very very precious to PET! Standing at a mighty 10cm smaller than me, nice to squeeze, the cutest person God could created! (ok in my opinion) hehe.. She talked me through the song list, as I shared what the Lord has placed in my heart for the theme of the opening night. We sorted it out, to finish writing the chords by tomorrow.

God placed on my heart this week as I was doing my quiet time.
I was reading from 1Kings 3-11.

It depicted King Solomon's life after he ascended the throne after King David. God had promised David, his descendants prosperity and the throne as long as they walked in His ways and obey God's statues and commandments. In addition God was pleased with Solomon for his request from God to have wisdom to govern God's people that God said

" I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you , not will there every be. Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for - both riches and honor- so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. "

Just imagine that, God telling u that you will be the wisest & richest person ever to live!
Solomon then went on build a magnificent temple for God and his wisdom spread far and wide where men of all nations sent by their kings came to listen to him and became richer than all the other kings of the earth.

However in the midst of all his achievements, Chapter 11 speaks of his downfall, he had taken many wives and concubines of foreign origin from which the Lord had told the Israelites

" You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods."

BUT Solomon held fast to them in love and they lead his heart astray to other gods.
At the end of the day even after the Lord himself had appeared to him in a dream on 2 occasions, granted him immeasurably wealth and wisdom; because of his weakness and "allowing" sin to remain, corrupted his heart for the Lord.

The Lord then tore the kingdom out of the hand of his son and many adversaries arose against him.
For me, it reminded me, it brought me to my knees to come before God and confess of things that have interfered with my heart that desires to be wholly for Him, distractions that I have originally resisted, then tolerated and perhaps when caught up in it rationalized it away. I was reminded that God wants our faithfulness to Him from start to finish.

Even the wisest man that ever lived could fall, how much more us.

" Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God- through Jesus Christ our Lord!" Romans 7: 24b-25

Listening to Ginny Owens now... the album from RocketTown, about walking through the valley about perservering in trial, that we may be complete and mature, lacking nothing.. James1:2

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Dodgy Laptop


It feels as if my laptop has a life of its own, spontaneously turning off on its own!
What does one do in such a situation, I consulted Dad in regards to it, he told me the lappie's battery was busted and the connection with the port that its on was bad so if I just shift a bit it'll shut off...

Well I've also sought computer whiz Mr Munkey Tan in regards to getting a new lappie. Praise God that since I've only just started working this year I'd be able to get a considerable amount of tax refund back.. 'nuff to get a new lappie! Yeah!!. I'm eyeing the ibookG4 and according to my dearest most brilliant cousin with a coupla' upgrades I can get a lean' mean machine.. oh well munkey suggested a nice pioneer dream/slim book .. hehe..

Last night went to watch Charlie and the chocolate factory... Johnny Depp is brillliant as usual, very versatile.. me cracked up everytime the Oompa loompas appear with a new song.. Yesterday CS told me that he wasn't going to stay in Sydney for the next 6 weeks after all, may head back this week to Singapore in fact... awwww was really enjoying having him around.. and hoping that he could join us for the ACT camp when prophet John Jacks will be coming down from Canada to speak to us about spiritual giftings..


Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Every stripe

After a time a difficulty and struggling with the questions of " What else could we have done?" and heartache. I marvelled at the extent of heartache I actually felt... Intellectually I knew how to react and what to do, spiritually I've learnt more on my knees before the Lord than ever before but emotionally I was caught off guard.

As I surrendered the situation to Him last wednesday I had my own God encounter in my room as He personally tutored me in His word, lessons from 2 Samuel when King David was driven out of Jerusalem by his own son Absalom. When fleeing King David met 2 men, one was Ziba the servant of Mephibosheth(Jonathan's son, grandson of King Saul) and the other Shimei. Ziba slandered his master Mephibosheth claiming that he had betrayed David by wishing his reign came to an end because of Saul. King David was so distraught at that time that he did not question it but gave Ziba all that belonged to Mephibosheth.

Later on King David came across a man names Shimei, who cursed King David and his people. Instead of putting the man to death he was overwhelmed by the betrayal by his son that he just ignored it and allowed the man to continue.

The story continues later with King David returned to Jerusalem after Absalom had been murdered by Joab. This time Mephibosheth who had remained loyal to King David by not having cleaned or shaved came to meet him on his return. King David then questioned him why he had not followed him, Mephibosheth then pleads his cause that he as a lame man could not have gone but sent his servant in his stead. Unfortunately, that servant had betrayed him by slandering him before the king. By that time, King David could not take back his words, neither did he know who to believe but asked that they just spilt the land.

He later encountered the man Shimei who had previously cursed him, who pleaded for his life before King David. As it was a celebratory day, he was spared but later on we read that King David ordered Solomon to execute him to prevent further trouble.

What the Lord imparted to me as I read: in emotional distraught, people may come to you with all kinds of stories, find out both sides of the story before u make a judgement if not it will be hard to take back your words. Also, don't be bothered with what others may say against you for the Lord will restore whom He has anointed, He will vindicate you. Lastly, stamp out gossip or slander, don't let it cause disunity or instability.

Woah.. what He taught me over the week, incredible..
Its funny ay? that in the difficult times, when you're the weakest..
His presence I felt closer than ever before, His strength suddenly incredible...

And yet despite the word that was imparted it was the vision of a nail-pierced hand and the heartache that taught me the most. What I had felt was only a tiny portion of how the Lord feels each time someone rejects Him, each time we choose to wilfully sin against Him... I found myself repenting, desiring more to live a life obedient to Him..

" He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities;
The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one , to his own way;
And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all" - Isaiah 53:5-6

Thursday, August 25, 2005


You know what causes the heart of a shepherd/leader to hurt the most..
The straying of their sheep...

The weekend has been tough, I found out about things I didn't really want to know, itty-bitty events have caused my knees to give way under the weight.. The events when isolated will not have caused such an impact until cumulated and topped off with a slammer on Sunday.. I prayed Father help me carry this..

Last night I prayed with Fiona, I've never wept in front of her before til then... The voice that spoke to me was, "this is how I feel my daughter when one of u sins against me.. "
Fiona saw a vision of a palm with a nail hammered into it..
Each stripe, each strike was borne for our sin, our iniquity..
The Lord reminded me anew of how He feels whenever each one of us sins against Him. A mixture of hurt, anger mingled with love and longing to have us restored to Him... I dare say, I understand Lord...Help me to see with Your eyes, teach me how to lead Your people for they are Yours.

" Streams of tears flow from my eyes, for Your law is not obeyed." - Psalm 119: 136

Aching.. " I am Your servant; give me discernment that I may understand Your statutes." - Psalm 119: 125

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Chasing the impossible ?

Give me one pure and holy passion
Give me one magnificent obsession
Give me one glorious ambition for my life
To know and follow after You

To know and follow hard after you
To grow as Your disciple in Your truth
This world is empty pale and poor compared to knowing You, my Lord
Lead me on and I will run after You..

-One Day Passion

Running hard after God - Psalm 63:8

"I'm not asking you how muh you know about Me. I want to ask you, " Do you really know ME? Do you really want ME?'"

I ask myself that, how hungry am I for God?
Will I clamour, grasp, push and forget my manners to reach Him, to chase Him?
Can I really not care about what other people think of me and just what He thinks of me?

I'm getting more desperate...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Tests and The Lord's promises

Looks like its going to be blogging weekly..
Life in Sydney is busy to the, sheep, caregroup, worship team.. and now TAX claim.. got to figure out how to do it..

I've had an amazing week of doing stuff:
Mon: meet my co-CGL for caregroup discussion then met my unit leader to catch up
Tues: Met up with my colleague for jogging then called the new girls from Hope Singapore to find out how they're going
Wed: Intercession in the morning, met up with my sheep Fiona and then later Jane for shepherding and then surprise Jane for her birthday
Thurs: Clinic catch up with the girls over dinner
Fri: Caregroup. Caught up with crazy michelle who jumped on my bed and unfortunately hit her funny bone. Night brought Jane around to "surprise" Rindy and Mike
Saturday: Intercession. Arvo shepherding with Jasmine, we had so much to catch up on we only finished at 5pm! Then met Jiling for shepherding then cooked dinner for her and spent the night watching Mrs Doubtfire for the 1000th time (thought I still laugh at the funny bits) and ironing my clothes.
Sunday: Playing keyboard with my "new team" the 3 Rhodes boys.. ARGH!!! ok lah .. they're quite cute so its ok.. Came back exhausted.

You know the funny thing is..
In the midst of doing these things for the Lord in view of
Romans 12:1 " offered your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. "

I wish to say that I love shepherding, caregroup and playing for praise and worship.. that the week that my Unit leader encouraged me to stand firm and to pass the tests to honour my promise to the Lord, these tests suddenly present themselves to me again over the course of this week, I never felt so tempted so weak...

Therefore I want to praise the Lord for His faithfulness.
He strengthened me in His word:

May Your unfailing Love come to me, O lord, your salvation according to your promise, then I will answer the one who taunts me, for I trust in Your word" - Psalm 119:41-42

Take that devil! For everyone of God's promises are Yes and AMeN!
Haha I swiped the devil with the sword of the spirit, the double-edged sword, the weapon of our warfare i.e the word of God.

Thursday : A rainbow

Sign of God's covenant.. His promise... Thank You Jesus..

Saturday, July 30, 2005

BUSY week back in Sydney

Awww man there's so much I want to say but NO TIME throughout the week!!! Make use of this Saturday night since I'm not on tomorrow, dear "haha" kindly offered to play since I have to play next week and lead worship the following.. I'll make it a quick summary,more photos when I go over to Fiona's place for faster uploading!

Its been busyness since I got back to Sydney! Want to post the photos of my last day in Singapore with the 2 families, earthly and spiritual!

Tuesday: Clean room, Hehe (fiona) & Haha (priscilla) helped me reorganize things.. took photos in remembrance of the occasion!

This is one side of my room with the cupboard and stuff, with the two "hehe haha" duo threatening me if I mess up my room.. so fierce..

Arvo: Coles!!!(Local supermarket) to buy my favourite bread.. Helga's sunflower honey and oat bread and Sanitarium's So good Omega3- women's essential soy milk..
No.. I'm not endorsing them.. they're just healthy and yummy..Mum agrees with me.. she bought back 5 loaves to Singapore last time.

Back to work. Over slept as I couldn't sleep the night before, used to sleep at 2am Singapore time staying up to chat with Mr Inky Doo, Guppy and Mervy from Island Hope.. Bedtime in Sydney is 11pm Sydney = 9pm Singapore! how to adjust!?
First day back: GI meeting! and heaps of foods to get organised for the kitchens. Hand out presents and found out that Kathleen is leaving, going to work for johnson&johnson.. sobz....

Arvo: Jogging with Kim kim, yeah! Back to my Glebe trail .. much easier to breathe.. hardly any perspiration all evaporated!

Pizza with Huhu (michael munkey tan) for dinner and catching up. He's been up to designing a fantastic website for his dad's business and also for the multicultural night coming in August our out reach event! Live music that night!

Full-on clinic day. I had 16 patients booked in! AHHHH!!!see lah go on holiday.. next available appointment on the 18th of September! Siao liao!
Switch back to Aussie accent, one patient said I sound like a yankee??!!
So happy, 3 of my patients lost weight!!!
Saw my youngest patient ever! A 9 year old with high cholesterol, reckon its most probably genetic since he's normal weight for height!
And also a case that was out of my league.. Gallbladder problems with events that seem like a mini-infarct?? Besides low fat diet and a cholecystectomy(removal of the gall bladder) of which is not up to me to perform I can't think of what else to say? heard of foods causing body odour? told the patient I'll get back to her after I consult a specialist dietitian on food allergies and intolerances.

My consultation room : Took this between patients! I share this room with Dr R, he has heaps of stuff in his room. The weighing scales at my feet, a dietitian's essential tool!

After that met up with Dave R, Fearless leader Jack, Hehe & Haha, Rindy, Little Potato and Hammy to go to Fox Studios The Comedy Store to watch the Tripods!.

Comments: The first two stand-up comedians, let's say they stooped to the lowest form of trying to be funny using foul language and sex jokes. I think I need cleansing and the renewal of the mind after that!!
Thank God the main performers the Tripods; male trio that sings their comedy were really good. Excellent harmonies, the tallest guy plays the guitar and has a falsetto to rival the dude from beegees!
They sang songs like "the hotdog man" a regular good man who then suddenly turns into a Dr Jekyll Mr Hyde character!
Their repertoire included a song about cowboys, "Lingering dad" and the funniest was the "X-box" song which places the singer as a character who sings to his girlfriend to romance her but then keeps telling her to hang in there as he needs to complete another "stage" aka gaming!!then punch line of " this X-box is the best gift I got for u!" funny!

Nearly didn't make it in time for work given the late time I slept!
Beautiful morning.. this is the view I get enroute in Sydney uni.

Main quadrangle at 630am

Enroute to the metabolic kitchens:

Met up with my shepherd Lisa at uni for a quick catch-up but she had to head back to work so we couldn't talk long..
Home quickly, Fiona and I went to Paddy's markets to get some fresh food. Came back to do a quick imitation of Chai Tao Quay.. white one..

Night: Combined CG! so fun to be back with everyone. Heard my co-leader Mr Carebear marcus marx froggy teach for the first time! Good job brother with ur teaching about the Prodigal son!

Ice-breaker: The egg and chicken game: Our dear unit leader in the middle in perfect pose!haha!

Teaching time:

Was taking so many picts that day, everyone asked me if I was going to become the next candra! ack!

Bunked over at He he and Haha's place.. their beee youutiful apartment..


Saturday brunch: Haha, Hehe and ME!

Lisa-mummy called.. doing her shepherding roster... inspired.. I need to plan mine too.. at least meet the girls once a fortnight.. last sem's spontaneity not too organized..
2-430pm: Came back home, meeting with Rindy and Dina about the worship team for worship team evaluation tomorrow..
Guess what.. I'm on Team A aka.. Team with the Rhodes boys, pastor's 3 sons.. the talented family team, David:drums, Peter: bass and Paul: guitar, Me: Keyboard.. Yeah.. we're going to be happening !

430-730pm: Met CGL Marcus, CG meeting.. so many things to do!! Looking forward to another exciting semester ahead... Vineyard looking forward to discovering the many gifts our people possess.. let us use it for glorifying the Kingdom of God..

Dinner: My housemate Dinasaru Heuw.. Indonesian chinese chick standing at a mighty 4'11" tall reaching my chin, cooking prodigy with child-sized hands and a voice to rival any black gospel singer.. cooked up a storm for her CG this morning and packed a portion for me: tempe, nasi lemak, potato, chicken and this indon vege soup!...topped up with her homemade sambal made with fiery chili padi ... Jack eats them by the bowl full !

The little one and me! This is the best picture I have of us two.. that's emma thompson and rindy sticking their face in at the back.. keke..

Night: Talking with Emma thompson Stick insect.. She sent me a photo of her favourite soccer team.. never seen them play but I reckon they are my favourite too!!..

Team Hope Sydney:

Front row(Left to right): Marcus Carebear Lin, Weng weng, Huhu Michael Tan, Waterboy Terence

Back row: Williiiiiiiam Ma , Fearless Unit Leader Jack aka Ah pa, David Botak Rhodes, Peter Cute Rhodes, Mr Potato Justin Chan and Mr Teapot Alex Chew

Uh-oh.. its 2am!!!

I got carried away short blog got more and more interesting..

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Photo TIME!!

Hehe.. I'm so excited

Finally got a digi-cam with a mega large screen.. mum loves it cos it makes her look pretty in the pictures that I take of her..
Yesterday met Mr-Inky doo on the MRT, first thing after "Hi! what a surprise!" was " hey... did u bring ur camera.. " keke. Yes.. huge LCD screen.

Ok by night met the other 2 camera fanatic Mr Tiger and Mervy..who proceeded to test it out in an ultimately dark and smoky bar...
Some came out alrite..
Mervy and I nearly blinded Ming with out many attempts to test the power of the flash in a dark place.. esp when he made many funny expressions after he realised that the drink he ordered, a virgin mary is actually tomato juice and tabasco sauce with a celery stick on the side..
and uh hmm.. eating a lemon wedge.. He reciprocated the favour.. ack!

Then today.. went out with mumsy and little B to buy dinner, happily started to try out various functions with the two of them as my models..
I present my findings..
(better upload it all now before I fly back to Sydney on Monday.. back to dial-up wich is unheard of in Singapore)

Dear Vineyard... I'm going to pick up Ah can's legacy now.. keke..beware... First target.. the dancer.. looks like in every caregroup there's one!

1)Manual Setting by an expert: Paul D at Harry's

2) The Double Image effect on Mum & little B

3) The Black and White :Mum & B baring teeth

4) The Sepia

5) Macro on Tofu-man

6) Self-shot of Mum& I, Lister & I

Supposed to post the different looks on Mr Tiger and start a vote on the funniest expression but... will have to await his approval..

About Me

" One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord All the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the Lord, And to inquire in His temple - Psalm 27:4